CBH News

PacWest Bank’s Freakin’ Out, Maybe Bitcoin’s the Answer, Dude?

PacWest Bank’s Freakin’ Out, Maybe Bitcoin’s the Answer, Dude?

So, like, there’s this bank, PacWest, and they’re in some deep doo-doo, man. Their share price went kaput, and now they’re begging for help or...
Pepe’s Turning Nerds into Millionaires, Maybe? Huh Huh

Pepe’s Turning Nerds into Millionaires, Maybe? Huh Huh

So, like, there’s this frog dude named Pepe, right? And he’s, uh, sorta helping people get rich with these digital thingies called NFTs, or whatever...
Coinbase vs SEC? It’s on! They’re like, fighting, and stuff!

Coinbase vs SEC? It’s on! They’re like, fighting, and stuff!

Uh huh huh, hey dudes, listen up! Coinbase is like in a lotta trouble with the SEC, dudes! They’re trying to like, avoid getting sued...
First Republic Bank having issues with trading desk cuz of crypto volatility!?

First Republic Bank having issues with trading desk cuz of crypto volatility!?

In the last few weeks, First Republic Bank has had problems with its foreign exchange trading desk, which led to the temporary suspension of the...