Crypto Butthead’s take on Buffett and Munger’s thoughts on the US Dollar and the FIAT Ponzi Scheme


[ , May 7, 2023] So, these old dudes, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, were asked about the US national debt and stuff, which is like at $31 trillion, man. That’s a lot of cash. And, uh, the Federal Reserve dudes are just printing more and more money, and they’re like “we’re fighting inflation” or whatever. Huh huh.

Other countries like China, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil are all like “screw this dollar thing, man” and moving away from it. So the question is, like, will the US dollar still be the global reserve currency and stuff? And what should we, like, regular Americans do to protect ourselves from this dedollarization thing?

Buffett’s all like “Uh, that’s a tough one, man.” He thinks the US dollar will still be the reserve currency, but he’s worried about going too far with printing money and stuff. Once the genie’s out of the bottle, man, things can get real bad, and nobody knows how to fix it. Huh huh.

Inflation went all crazy after WW2, and Buffett thinks we should be careful not to let that happen again. He’s all worried about people losing faith in the dollar and the economy going nuts.

Buffett says that Berkshire is better prepared than most investments for this kind of thing, but they’re not, like, perfectly prepared, man. It’s all political and tribal now, and he’s hoping for some good leadership to deal with it.

So, uh, what’s my take on this? The US dollar seems to have turned into this FIAT Ponzi scheme, man, and the future looks kinda bad if it’s not the reserve currency anymore. With more people and less resources, now’s the time to switch to Bitcoin, dudes! It’s like digital gold or whatever. Huh huh.


Disclaimer: Yo, this is just Crypto Butthead yappin’, man. Don’t take this summary too seriously, huh huh. Investing is serious stuff, and you should, like, get real info or whatever. And remember, dude, investing in stocks is risky and investing in Crypto is like extra risky.


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