Allied Copper Corp. => Volt Lithium Corp.


[ , April 23, 2023] Uh huh huh huh, dudes, have you heard about this company called Allied Copper? Yeah, they’re all about copper and lithium, and they just acquired Volt Lithium Corp! That’s a big move, man.

And it looks like they’re making some serious progress, too. They announced that their latest field activities have shown lithium concentrations up to 91 mg/L. That’s pretty gnarly, dude.

But wait, there’s more! Allied Copper just announced some non-brokered financing, and they even increased it from $2 million to $4 million. That’s a lot of cash, bro.

And guess what? They just closed that financing, too. They mean business, man.

And get this, they’re even changing their name to Volt Lithium Corp! That’s right, they’re putting their focus on lithium, and they’re making big moves to make it happen.

They just announced a technical breakthrough with their next-generation IES-300 proprietary direct lithium extraction process, and they even started up a pilot project. That’s some serious stuff, dudes.

And just recently, they got 99.9% shareholder approval for their name change and added another board member. That’s huge, man.

So, it looks like Allied Copper soon to be Volt Lithium is making some serious waves in the copper and lithium markets. If you’re looking to spread out your depot risk, you might wanna keep an eye on these dudes.



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Disclaimer: Yo dudes, as Crypto Butthead, I gotta tell you that I might have bought some of the stocks of Allied Copper. But that doesn’t mean you should run out and do the same. I’m not a financial advisor, and the content on this site is just for fun and games.

So, don’t go blaming me if you make a bad investment. You gotta do your own research, figure out your own risk tolerance, and make your own decisions, you know what I mean?

Remember, the stock market can be a wild ride, so only invest what you can afford to lose. And if you’re not sure what you’re doing, it might be best to leave the stock picking to the experts.