Ash & Booker’s Wild Crypto Rodeo: Big Green Days, Google Ventures, and SEC Shenanigans!

[ , msch , mschro , August 30, 2023] Ash and Booker comin’ at ya with the latest and greatest from the wild world of crypto and stocks. Now, yesterday was greener than a fresh patch of Kentucky bluegrass! First off, can y’all believe Google’s plannin’ to set up shop in El Salvador? Dang, that’s … Read moreAsh & Booker’s Wild Crypto Rodeo: Big Green Days, Google Ventures, and SEC Shenanigans!

Senators Rekindle Bill to Tackle El Salvador’s Bitcoin Adoption: A Tale of Cross-Aisle Collaboration

[ , msch , May 12, 2023] Well, y’all, it seems like our Senators are at it again! Two of them fellers, Senator James Risch from Idaho and Senator Bob Menendez from New Jersey, have decided to dust off an old bill from 2022. Now, these two usually can’t agree on the color of the … Read moreSenators Rekindle Bill to Tackle El Salvador’s Bitcoin Adoption: A Tale of Cross-Aisle Collaboration