Well, Hot Diggity! Bitcoin’s Ridin’ a Rollercoaster, But Ash & Booker Reckon It’s All Part of the Hoedown!


[CryptoButthead.com , msch, dgoldsmith, August 17, 2023] Darn Darn Darn … It’s Ash and Booker here, and boy, do we got some juicy tidbits for ya from the wild world of them cryptos. Now, sit tight, ’cause this here’s gonna be a hollerin’ good time (not)!

First off, we got this feller, Javier Milei, down in Argentina, runnin’ for President and all. And guess what? He’s all pro-Bitcoin! Now, ain’t that somethin’? But here’s the kicker – he’s plannin’ to shut down the country’s central bank if he wins. Says it ain’t got no reason to be around. Well, dang! That’s like sayin’ a pig don’t need mud. But hey, if he thinks it’s for the best, who are we to judge?

Now, ’bout that Bitcoin price. It done slipped and slid under $26,000. Kinda like when Booker tried to catch that greased pig at the county fair. But, y’know, every rodeo’s got its bumps. And speakin’ of bumps, ol’ Tom Lee’s got a prediction that’ll knock yer boots off. He’s sayin’ if that there spot Bitcoin ETF gets the green light, the demand’s gonna shoot up higher than a July 4th firework! We’re talkin’ prices between $150,000 to $180,000. Well, slap my knee and call me Sally!

Here comes a twist. Elon Musk and his fancy SpaceX done sold all their Bitcoin stash worth $373 million. Now, ain’t that a head-scratcher? Guess even them rocket scientists can’t figure out this crypto market.

Now, for all y’all ladies out there, there’s somethin’ special brewin’. Tomorrow, http://CryptoChickZ.com is goin’ live! Dive deep into the world of CryptoArt, hear the latest chit-chat on crypto, and join the WomenInCrypto movement. And guess who’s hostin’? The sparklin’ Annika Lee! So, ladies, get ready to kick up yer heels and join the hoedown!

Last but not least, as we write … Bitcoin’s been dancin’ all over the place. Went down to $25,180 on Binance, but then hopped up to $26,212 on other spots. And, would ya believe it? Bitcoin’s 4-hour RSI is the lowest it’s ever been. Tapped a measly 2 on the dump. Never seen the likes of that before!

So, there ya have it, folks. The crypto market’s wilder than a buckin’ bronco, but we reckon it’s all part of the fun. Just remember, even if it sucks sometimes, there’s always a silver linin’… or should we say, a Bitcoin linin’?


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Disclaimer: Yo, this is Booker your CryptoButthead talkin’, man. This article is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Invest responsibly, y’all! Don’t take it too seriously. Crypto investing is serious, just like any other investments. Get real info, dude. Remember, investing is extra risky. If you don’t know, ask someone who does. This article aims to provide accurate, timely information. However, readers are advised to verify facts independently and consult with a professional before making any decisions based on this content.  Furthermore the author(s) of this article may or may not hold a position in the mentioned stock or digital asset. None of the companies or organizations discussed in the above article have paid for this content. The information provided in this article should not be considered financial advice, and readers should always do their own research before making investment decisions. However, as with any investment, there are potential risks and uncertainties to consider, such as potential regulatory changes, market volatility, and competition from other players in the industry. It is important for investors to carefully monitor this stock or digital asset and its performance over time to make informed decisions about their investments. cryptobutthead dot com is a project of The SiLLC Assembly. This site is for entertainment purposes only. The owner of this site is not an investment advisor, financial planner, nor legal or tax professional and articles here are of an opinion and general nature and should not be relied upon for individual circumstances.


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