Ledger’s New Fancy-Pants Update Stirring Up Some Hollerin’ in the Crypto-ville


[CryptoButthead.com , msch , mschro , May 16, 2023] Well, now, ain’t this somethin’? Ledger, y’know, the folks what make them hardware wallets, done went and stirred up a hornet’s nest with their latest doohickey. They got this new gizmo called “Recover” that’s s’posed to help you back up your seed phrases. But here’s the kicker – Ledger now gets to peep at your phrases! That’s like givin’ your neighbor the keys to your gun cabinet, ain’t it?

Now, these tech folks ain’t too happy ’bout this. They’re sayin’ it goes ‘gainst all them privacy rules they hold dear. Ledger’s even askin’ for a picture of your government-issued ID – you know, like the kind of thing you show when you’re buyin’ a new shotgun or a case of PBR.

And would you believe it? This service is only available for them Ledger Nano X devices, and you gotta be from the EU, the U.K., Canada, or the U.S. It’s like they’re tryin’ to make it as complicated as a city-slicker’s coffee order.

Now, if you’ve been payin’ attention, you’ll remember Ledger ain’t exactly got a spotless record. They’ve had more breaches than a fence in a goat pen. Back in 2020, some ne’er-do-well even stole the addresses of 270,000 Ledger owners. That’s more folks than you’ll find at the biggest NASCAR race!

And the icing on the cake? Ledger thought it’d be a hoot to release a “stylish” necklace for their cold wallet. It’s like they’re askin’ folks to wear a sign sayin’, “Rob me, I got crypto!” Now, I ain’t no city boy, but even I know that ain’t smart.

Update: Now, Ledger’s comin’ out swinging, defending their newfangled “Recover” doohickey. According to their Twitter page, this thing is optional – like pickles on your barbecue sandwich. You don’t have to use it, and it ain’t automatically enabled by any firmware updates. It’s your choice, they say. You can check out what else they gotta say right here: https://twitter.com/Ledger/status/1658458714771169282

So, there you have it. Ledger done shot themselves in the foot again. Just goes to show, you can take the company out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the company. Yeehaw!


Disclaimer: Yo, this is just Butthead yappin’, man. Don’t take this too seriously, huh huh. Crypto investing is serious stuff, and you should, like, get real info or whatever. And remember, dude, investing is also, like, extra risky. If you have no clue, ask someone who knows. This article aims to provide accurate, timely information. However, readers are advised to verify facts independently and consult with a professional before making any decisions based on this content.


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