SEC’s Attack on Coinbase Leaves USA’s Blockchain Innovation in the Dust

[ , dgoldsmith , June 6, 2023] Howdy folks, gather ’round and listen up ’cause we got ourselves a real doozy of a situation. It looks like the good ol’ USA is losin’ its grip on innovation, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is wanderin’ around clueless like a lost chicken on a dirt … Read moreSEC’s Attack on Coinbase Leaves USA’s Blockchain Innovation in the Dust

Crypto Showdown: SEC vs. Ripple – The Battle for Freedom and Innovation

[ , msch , May 24, 2023] In the heartland of American ingenuity, a technological revolution is brewing, and its name is blockchain. This cutting-edge innovation, akin to the first radios and computers, is poised to change the game, just like that fancy-sounding world wide web. It won’t replace good ol’ U.S. dollars, but it … Read moreCrypto Showdown: SEC vs. Ripple – The Battle for Freedom and Innovation

Hollerin’ from the Holler: Crypto Cowboys Dodge Uncle Sam’s Rules

[ , msch , May 16, 2023] Well, now, ain’t this a hoot? These here fancy crypto exchanges in the US, y’know, like that big’un Coinbase and Gemini, are packin’ their bags and settin’ up shop elsewhere. Y’see, Uncle Sam’s been crackin’ down on these digital doodads, and these companies are lookin’ for some elbow … Read moreHollerin’ from the Holler: Crypto Cowboys Dodge Uncle Sam’s Rules

Crypto Kinfolk Rally ‘Round Coinbase in SEC Rodeo Standoff

[ , msch , May 11, 2023] Well, now, the crypto folks are bandin’ together tighter than a new pair of jeans, standin’ shoulder to shoulder with Coinbase (COIN). They’re gearin’ up to give a good ol’ fashioned challenge to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) “come on in and register” hollerin’ that’s aimed … Read moreCrypto Kinfolk Rally ‘Round Coinbase in SEC Rodeo Standoff

Coinbase vs SEC? It’s on! They’re like, fighting, and stuff!

[ , April 27, 2023] Uh huh huh, hey dudes, listen up! Coinbase is like in a lotta trouble with the SEC, dudes! They’re trying to like, avoid getting sued and stuff. They’re like telling the SEC that they’re not an easy target and that they’ll exhaust all avenues to fight back. But, uh, they’re … Read moreCoinbase vs SEC? It’s on! They’re like, fighting, and stuff!

First Republic Bank having issues with trading desk cuz of crypto volatility!?

[ , April 26, 2023] In the last few weeks, First Republic Bank has had problems with its foreign exchange trading desk, which led to the temporary suspension of the desk’s activities. This is like, um, the same thing that happened at a bunch of other banks, which just shows how, like, banks are super … Read moreFirst Republic Bank having issues with trading desk cuz of crypto volatility!?

Coinbase Flips Off SEC With Rule Petition Lawsuit

[ , April 25, 2023] Yo dude, Coinbase just did something crazy. They took the SEC to court over a petition that the agency filed about a new rule that could have an impact on crypto exchanges. Basically, the SEC wants to require exchanges like Coinbase to register as securities exchanges, which would impose a … Read moreCoinbase Flips Off SEC With Rule Petition Lawsuit