Arcario AB’s Wild Ride in 2022: Navigating Rough Seas in the World of Crypto – Yeehaw!

[ , msch , May 20, 2023] Howdy folks! Let me sit down here on my comfy porch, sippin’ on some sweet iced tea, and tell y’all about the hootenanny of a year our friends over at Arcario AB had in 2022. Now, this ain’t your ordinary pig wrestling tale, no sirree. This here’s a … Read moreArcario AB’s Wild Ride in 2022: Navigating Rough Seas in the World of Crypto – Yeehaw!

Y’all Won’t Believe What This Ledger Gadget Is Up To Now

[ , msch , May 18, 2023] Well, gather ’round folks, I got a tale to tell, as twisty as a coiled rattler in a burlap sack. You see, Ledger, them big shots in the hardware wallet business, are stirring up a real hornet’s nest with their newfangled thingamabob, the Ledger Recover. It’s supposed to … Read moreY’all Won’t Believe What This Ledger Gadget Is Up To Now

May Sell-Offs and Fancy Horsies: A Hillbilly’s Guide to Stock Market Shenanigans

[ , msch , May 17, 2023] Well now, gather ’round, folks. Let me spin y’all a yarn about this thing the British folks used to do back in the 19th century. Y’see, every May, them highfalutin’ nobles and merchants would pack up their fancy britches and head off for summer vacation, not comin’ back … Read moreMay Sell-Offs and Fancy Horsies: A Hillbilly’s Guide to Stock Market Shenanigans

How to Request a Ledger Hardware Wallet Return incl. Refund due to the New ‘Recover’ Feature

[ , msch , May 17, 2023] 🔒💼 Ledger’s new “Recover” feature is stirring up discussions! 🗣️  In the rapidly changing world of cryptocurrencies, ensuring the security of our digital assets is paramount. The recent “Recover” feature introduced by Ledger has raised some eyebrows. This feature splits the user’s private key into three pieces and … Read moreHow to Request a Ledger Hardware Wallet Return incl. Refund due to the New ‘Recover’ Feature

Ledger’s New Fancy-Pants Update Stirring Up Some Hollerin’ in the Crypto-ville

[ , msch , mschro , May 16, 2023] Well, now, ain’t this somethin’? Ledger, y’know, the folks what make them hardware wallets, done went and stirred up a hornet’s nest with their latest doohickey. They got this new gizmo called “Recover” that’s s’posed to help you back up your seed phrases. But here’s the … Read moreLedger’s New Fancy-Pants Update Stirring Up Some Hollerin’ in the Crypto-ville

Hollerin’ from the Holler: Crypto Cowboys Dodge Uncle Sam’s Rules

[ , msch , May 16, 2023] Well, now, ain’t this a hoot? These here fancy crypto exchanges in the US, y’know, like that big’un Coinbase and Gemini, are packin’ their bags and settin’ up shop elsewhere. Y’see, Uncle Sam’s been crackin’ down on these digital doodads, and these companies are lookin’ for some elbow … Read moreHollerin’ from the Holler: Crypto Cowboys Dodge Uncle Sam’s Rules

Crypto Wild West is Getting Tamed: Binance High-Tails Outta Canada Amid Regulatory Ruckus

[ , msteph , msch , May 15, 2023] Howdy friends! Pull up a chair an’ lend an ear – there’s a whole heap of hullabaloo brewin’ in the wild world of crypto. Y’see, them lawmen regulators have been rustlin’ up some serious heat this year, more than ever before, and it’s got the whole … Read moreCrypto Wild West is Getting Tamed: Binance High-Tails Outta Canada Amid Regulatory Ruckus

Bitcoin Bounces Back Over $27K Despite Network Congestion: A Hillbilly’s Take on the Crypto Scene

[ , msch , May 15, 2023] Well, howdy, folks! Y’all better buckle up ’cause the Bitcoin rodeo is back in full swing. Despite the recent chaos on its network, the grandpappy of all cryptos, Bitcoin, has moseyed its way back up above the hefty $27,000 mark. This comes as transaction fees are climbin’ faster … Read moreBitcoin Bounces Back Over $27K Despite Network Congestion: A Hillbilly’s Take on the Crypto Scene

Senators Rekindle Bill to Tackle El Salvador’s Bitcoin Adoption: A Tale of Cross-Aisle Collaboration

[ , msch , May 12, 2023] Well, y’all, it seems like our Senators are at it again! Two of them fellers, Senator James Risch from Idaho and Senator Bob Menendez from New Jersey, have decided to dust off an old bill from 2022. Now, these two usually can’t agree on the color of the … Read moreSenators Rekindle Bill to Tackle El Salvador’s Bitcoin Adoption: A Tale of Cross-Aisle Collaboration

Neptune Digital Assets: A-Hoppin’ and a-Boppin’ on the Cryptocurrency Dance Floor

[ , msch , May 12, 2023] Y’all gather round, cause there’s a tale a-brewin’ about Neptune Digital Assets Corp. (CVE:NDA , OTC:NPPTF). Them fancy-pants number crunchers over yonder at HC Wainwright, they done tweaked their Q3 2023 earnings estimates for ol’ Neptune. Seems they reckon the company ain’t gonna be in the red no … Read moreNeptune Digital Assets: A-Hoppin’ and a-Boppin’ on the Cryptocurrency Dance Floor