Ash & Booker’s Wild Crypto Rodeo: Big Green Days, Google Ventures, and SEC Shenanigans!

[ , msch , mschro , August 30, 2023] Ash and Booker comin’ at ya with the latest and greatest from the wild world of crypto and stocks. Now, yesterday was greener than a fresh patch of Kentucky bluegrass! First off, can y’all believe Google’s plannin’ to set up shop in El Salvador? Dang, that’s … Read moreAsh & Booker’s Wild Crypto Rodeo: Big Green Days, Google Ventures, and SEC Shenanigans!

Coinbase’s Bumpy Ride with Memecoin PEPE – Gamblers’ Outrage and the Road to a Healthier Crypto Community

[ , msch , May 12, 2023] Well, I’ll be! Now, y’all ain’t gonna believe this. Over yonder on Twitter, folks got their feathers all ruffled up when them memecoin PEPE fans started a hullabaloo with #DeleteCoinbase trendin’ after Coinbase, that big ol’ crypto exchange, sent out a newsletter callin’ their coin a “hate symbol.” … Read moreCoinbase’s Bumpy Ride with Memecoin PEPE – Gamblers’ Outrage and the Road to a Healthier Crypto Community