Uptober’s Just a Hoot, But Them Markets Ain’t Sleepin’, Y’all!


[CryptoButthead.com , msch, mschro, October 18, 2023] Ash ‘n Booker’s Big Ol’ Return: Uptober’s Just a Hoot, But Them Markets Ain’t Sleepin’, Y’all!

Well, butter my biscuit, y’all, it’s Ash and Booker comin’ atcha live from… well, wherever we darn well please! We been layin’ low, watchin’ this hogwash they call a market. Remember when we hollered ’bout not trustin’ that Uptober hogwash? Ding ding, we hit the nail right on the head!

Now, let’s shimmy past all that jibber-jabber ’bout SBF, Ellison, and that Binance hoopla. Them folks are like a screen door on a submarine – useless! That CZ fella, the big cheese at Binance, grinds our gears somethin’ fierce. Offshore shenanigans, givin’ Uncle Sam the cold shoulder, and hollerin’ ’bout regulations like they done seen a ghost. We’re all ’bout that Coinbase life, y’all. Straight-up!

Speakin’ of chills, Binance done gone and put the kibosh on new Brits joinin’ the party. If that don’t rattle yer bones, y’all might need to check your pulse. Now, here’s a knee-slapper: the US government’s sittin’ on a Bitcoin mountain! Over 200,000 BTC, worth more’n $5 billion! They sold some, sure, but are they plannin’ to back their digital dollars with it? We near ’bout fell off our rockers thinkin’ ’bout it!

Now, hold onto your hats: Coinbase’s tradin’ volume took a nosedive, but they’re snatchin’ up market share like biscuits at a breakfast buffet, especially with Binance feelin’ the heat. Good on ya, Coinbase!

But it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. Big names like Linkedin, Bank of Nova Scotia, and even the FED are trimmin’ the hedges, if y’know what we mean. Tough times, folks.

And talk ’bout a pickle – US bonds are shakier than a dog passin’ peach pits.

All this borrowin’ for wars and whatnot’s sendin’ yields through the roof. Seems like Uncle Sam’s wallet’s got a hole burned right through it. That’s why we’re doublin’ down on crypto goodies like Microstrategy and Neptune Digital Assets.

This debt’s stickier than molasses, y’all, and it’s draggin’ down our hard-earned cash, whether it’s dollars, loonies, or euros. FIAT’s goin’ the way of the dodo, quicker’n we reckoned.

Buckle up, buttercups. We’re in for a bumpy ride. Stay safe out there! Y’all Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, Crypto’s Gonna Shine Brighter Than a Diamond in a Goat’s…🍑…Well, Y’know!

Ash and Booker, y’all. Keepin’ it real, keepin’ it country. Peace out! 🤠✌️



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